The company fabricates systems and solutions engineered by VHE or others. The company has long experience in working closely with its customer to develop further systems in use or bring up new ideas and implement them. A holistic solution provider.

Originally a small mechanical service company, working for the fishing industry and subsequently for the aluminium industry, designing, manufacturing and supplying a range of heavy duty process machinery. In the 1990s VHE began a planned expansion, buying a number of companies, merging some with VHE, and operating others as subsidiaries, enabling VHE to offer an integrated, comprehensive service.

In this millennium VHE has expanded further into the energy sector, fabricating modular structures for the offshore oil and gas industry, and increasingly providing maintenance services to the hydroelectric and geothermal sectors. Today, VHE is headquartered in its original location – Hafnarfjörður, southwest Iceland, next to the capital city Reykjavík. Here and at its east Iceland operation VHE employs over 500 persons and in a country with a population of only 330.000 people has become a major player in servicing large scale industries.

Engineering Services

Our engineering department provides services by engineers that have broad experiences in various fields, such as:

  • Aluminum industry
  • Geothermal power industry
  • Chemical processes
  • Construction sector
  • Piping and utilities


Páll Elfar Pálsson

Marketing Manager

[+354 575 9700](+354 575 9700)